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In biology, lipids are defined as hydrophobic or amphiphilic molecules and constitutes a large diverse group of molecules responsible for numerous biological functions including membrane structures, energy storage, signal transduction and regulation of gene expression. In addition, lipids have also several applications in cosmetic and food industry.

DSC_6735-Vitas-Analytical-Services.jpg – Vitas Analytical Services

Vitas can offer a range of lipid analyses. Our service may include sample preparation, the analytical measurements, and evaluation of raw data. We can also offer both targeted and untargeted lipidomics approaches using state of the art technology. Our extensive lipidomics analyses include (but not limited) lipids such as;

  • Fatty acids (free/total)

  • Glycerolipids (mono-, di-, and triglycerides)

  • Phospholipids (PC, PE, PI, PA, PG, PS and lyso-derivatives)

  • Sphingolipids (ceramides, sphingomyelins, S1P, etc)

  • Steroids (sex hormones, fat-soluble vitamins, cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, etc)

Our lipidomics service can be applied on many sample types. Typical samples are (but not limited to):

  • Blood-related samples (whole blood, plasma, serum, DBS, etc)

  • Tissue-related samples (liver, muscle, cell lines, liposomes, kidney, etc)

  • Tear/Meibom samples

  • Marine oils (calanus, krill, cod liver, etc)

  • Lipid-soluble drugs

Vitas can also perform more comprehensive lipidomics analysis such as both targeted/untargeted multicomponent lipidomic analysis.


Number Method
AM-577 Analysis of PS, PA, L-PS and L-PA in API formulation
AM-558 Quantification of Non Esterified Fatty Acids (NEFA) in plasma/serum using assay kit
AM-511 Quantification of Vitamin D (Vit-D3 and Vit-D2) and Vitamin A (Retinol) in DBS using LC-MSMS
AM-472 Quantification of 8isoPGF2a in DBS using HPLC-MSMS
AM-466 Quantification of Non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) in human serum using enzymatic colorimetric method
AM-445 Total cuticular hydrocarbons in mosquitos
AM-436 Quantification of triglycerides (TAG) form dried blood spots (DBS)
AM-424 Quantification of total Cholesterol in human blood from ADX cards using modified CO/DAOS method
AM-422 Quantification of Triglycerides in human blood from plasma and ADX cards using modified GPO/DAOS method
AM-406-SER-01 Comprehensive lipidomics analysis of serum
AM-406-SCH-01 Comprehensive lipidomics analysis of Schirmers paper
AM-406-SAL-01 Comprehensive lipidomics analysis of saliva
AM-406-RBC-01 Comprehensive lipidomics analysis of erythrocytes
AM-406-PLA-01 Comprehensive lipidomics analysis of plasma
AM-406-MEI-01 Comprehensive lipidomics analysis of Meibom's
AM-406-KID-01 Comprehensive lipidomics analysis of kidney
AM-406-DBS-01 Comprehensive lipidomics analysis of dried blood spots (DBS)
AM-406-CEL-01 Comprehensive lipidomics analysis of cell medium
AM-406-BRA-01 Comprehensive lipidomics analysis of brain tissue
AM-406-ADR-01 Comprehensive lipidomics analysis of adrenal glands
AM-393 Quantification of HDL-Cholesterol in human plasma/serum using Wako L-type HDL-C assay
AM-392 Quantification of HDL in whole blood from Mitra sticks using ELISA
AM-391 Quantification of HDL in whole blood from Mitra sticks
AM-389 Quantification of cholesterol in whole blood from dried blood spots (DBS) by HPLC-UV
AM-339 Simultaneous quantification of carotenoids, vitamin A and vitamin E in dried blood spots (DBS)
AM-329 Quantification of carotenoids, chlorophylls, and vitamins A and E in algae
AM-325 Peroxide value (PV) in krill oil by use of USP monograph Third Supplement, FCC9 Appendix VII
AM-300 Quantification of triglycerides in serum/plasma by spectrophotometry
AM-298 Quantification of phospholipids in serum/plasma using spectrophotometry
AM-295 Quantification of HDL and LDL/VLDL cholesterol in serum using ELISA
AM-293 Quantification of ethoxyquin in oil using HPLC-FLD
AM-284 Total lipids by Folch extraction and gravimetry
AM-278 Totox value in omega-3 containing pills
AM-276 Quantification of 8isoPGF2a in plasma using LC-MS/MS
AM-266 Quantification of lipid classes in Calanus oil using HPLC-ELSD
AM-259 Quantification of triglycerides in serum/plasma using spectrophotometry
AM-257 Quantification of fatty acids in krill oil by GC-FID
AM-222 Quantification of fatty acids in food bar by GC-FID
AM-211 Estimation of total lipids from total fatty acid quantification by use of lipid conversion factors
AM-205 Quantification of Vitamin D3 (Vit-25-OH-D3) and Vitamin D2 (Vit-25-OH-D2) and Vitamin D3-epi-25-OH-D3 in plasma using LC-MS/MS
AM-202 Quantification of carotenoids in plasma by HPLC-UV
AM-196 Colour & clarity in liposomes
AM-194 Oligomers in liposomes by GC-FID
AM-192 Peroxide value (PV) in liposomes
AM-190 Quantification of phospholipids in liposome formulation using HPLC-NQAD or ELSD
AM-187 Gross weight of capsule and net weight of capsule content in oil filled capsules
AM-186 Quantification of ethylesters of EPA (EE-EPA) and DHA (EE-DHA) in human plasma by LC-MS/MS
AM-172 Anisidine value (AV) in tablets and tablet powder by spectrophotometry
AM-168 Quantification of Tocopherol (Vitamin E) in fish oil using LC-FLD
AM-162 Quantification of EPA and DHA ethyl esters in human plasma by LC-MS/MS
AM-157 Fatty acid profile in dried blood spots (DBS) using GC-FID
AM-153 Quantification of Vitamin E in plasma using LC-FLD
AM-152 Quantification of Vitamin A (Retinol) in plasma using LC-UV
AM-149 Quantification of all-trans-retinol in plasma using LC-MS/MS
AM-148 Quantification of Vitamin D3 (Vit-25-OH-D3) and Vitamin D2 (Vit-25-OH-D2), Vitamin D3-epi-25-OH-D3 and Vitamin A (retinol) in plasma using LC-MS/MS
AM-144 Quantification of tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) in oil by LC-UV
AM-140 Quantification of cholesterol by LC-MS
AM-138 Quantification of fatty acids in algae
AM-136 Determination of viscosity in oil
AM-119 Quantification of total EPA and DHA in human plasma by GC-FID
AM-112 Quantification of 8-iso-PGF2α in cells from rat by LC-MS/MS
AM-109 Gravimetric quantification of total fat in meat
AM-099 Fatty acid profile in dried blood spots (DBS) from mice using GC-FID
AM-085 Quantitative determination of phospholipids in Krill oil by quantification of fatty acids in the phospholipid fracton using SPE and GC-FID
AM-065 Quantification of triglycerides (TAG) in liver from mouse by NP-HPLC-ELSD
AM-060 Quantitative determination of fatty acids in plasma/serum total fraction by GC-FID
AM-057 Quantification of 8-iso-PGF2a in urine by LC-MS
AM-056 Quantification of 8-iso-PGF2a in plasma by LC-MS
AM-050 Anisidine value (AV) in krill oil
AM-049 Quantitative determination of the DOPE in liposomes by LC-MS (assay)
AM-048 Quantification of the DEPC in liposomes by LC-MS (assay)
AM-047 Quantification of DSPC in liposomes by LC-MS (assay)
AM-046 Quantification of DSPE in liposomes by LC-MS (assay)
AM-045 Quantification of cholesterol in liposomes by LC-UV
AM-044 Quantification of doxorubicin in liposomes by LC-UV (assay and purity)
AM-042 Quantification of fatty acids in the phospholipid fraction of plasma by SPE and GC-FID
AM-041 Spectrophotometric colour characterisation of krill oil
AM-040 Colour & clarity of krill oil
AM-031 Quantification of ethanol and methanol in oil by GC-FID
AM-014 Quantification of peroxide value (PV) in oil
AM-013 Quantification of fatty acids in oil by GC-FID
AM-012 Quantification of lipid classes in oil by NP-HPLC-ELSD
View complete list of applications